I am a Sole Trader SMSF Auditor and I have some funds that I have been auditing for 10 years. According to the new independence requirements an audit rotation is required I believe. In a large firm it is possible to give the audit to another partner and then after they have undertaken one audit year, you could resume auditing the fund with their feedback and recommendations to go forward with.
The rules don't seem to cater for someone in my situation as a sole trader in terms of audit rotation. I believe I can have an independent review done for one audit year and then resume auditing the funds. I have run this by the audit clients and they are prepared to pay for such an independent review. However, I can't find anyone offering this service. I presume there are other auditors in my situation.
Please let me know of any of your experiences and any information that might help me out.
Hi Pablo
2 auditors / firms that offer the independent review service are:
Hilton Miller​
LDB Group
Suite 3‑9, 1‑3 Albert St
Blackburn Victoria 3130
P: (03) 9875 2900 e: hmiller@ldb.com.au
Sharif Eldebs
SMSF Auditor
Registered Company Auditor
Assured Super
832 High Street, East Kew VIC 3102
Tel: (03) 9249 9669
Hi Pablo
Yes agreed the APESB Independence Guide from May 2020 at example 13 (re SMSF's) refers to an auditor auditing XYZ SMSF for in excess of 10 years and no internal or external independence review having been undertaken.
In the guide they refer to applying safeguards being:
"Appropriate safeguards to address self-interest and familiarity threats include (para 540.3 A6):
• having an appropriate reviewer not involved in the audit to review the auditor’s work.
• performing regular independent internal and external quality reviews of the engagement.
As a minimum, it is considered to be best practice after auditing a fund for 10 years that an internal or external independent review of the audit be undertaken."
There are a number of firms that I am aware of that can do a review of your audit work. Can you please let me know what state you are based in & I will try & refer you to a state based firm that can assist.
Also if other auditors are offering this service please advise.