Could you please give me your opinion?
The SMSF has 2 members. They are 71 & 68.
The fund has approx. $1M in it.
90% of the fund is in pension phase as they are both still working and making contributions each year
Can the fund purchase a residential property and the member’s daughter live in it based on the fact that she is not a member and all members are over pension age and therefore have no restrictions to accessing their funds.
Thank you in advance.
Kind Regards
Jean Rey
Hi Jean
An in-house asset includes an investment or loan or lease to a related party. A Fund cannot have in-house assets greater than 5%.
Re the lease to a related party if the property is business real property there is an exception.
A related party includes a member of the Fund or a "Part 8 associate" of a member. This would include a relative of a member & that includes per SIS:
"relative" of an individual means the following:
(a) a parent, grandparent, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, lineal descendant or adopted child of the individual or of his or her spouse;
(b) a spouse of the individual or of any other individual referred to in paragraph (a).
That is a daughter of a member is a related party & the Fund could not purchase a residential property and rent it to her (under the 5% in-house asset rules).
If they have full access to their superannuation they could withdraw the money & purchase the property in their personal names and rent it to their daughter.