I require guidance on the a SMSF I am currently auditing:
1. SMSF owned 50% of commercial property. The rest of 50% was owned by related party.
2. property is on single title.
3. SMSF now acquired rest of the 50% with LRBA from related party.
4. LRBA registered on title is specific to the 50% of the property held under custodian trustee name.
5. Property had no prior LRBA on the title.
I understand a fund can acquire commercial property at market value from related party. However, I am not sure of half of the property being “single acquirable asset” to qualify for “single acquirable assets” for LRBA exception under Reg. 67A.
So does it give rise to the contravention of Reg. 13.14 issue for having charge over the assets.
I like to see how other auditors see this issue.
Thanks for the very interesting question.
A fractional interest in real estate, where the real estate is on one title, is itself capable of being a "single acquirable asset" for the purpose of section 67A of the SIS Act.
In relation to Regulation 13.14 of the SIS Regulations, this Regulation could be complied with if it was clear that in the hypothetical event of default in relation to the limited recourse borrowing arrangement, that the lender’s only recourse was to the 50% of the real estate held by the bare trust. Or put another way, the super fund’s unencumbered interest would not be sold to pay the outstanding loan balance.
Regulation 13.15 of the SIS Regulations confirms that Regulation 13.14 does not prevent a charge that is expressly allowed or by necessary implication, provided for elsewhere in the SIS Regulations or in the SIS Act.
In ATO ID 2010/172 the ATO considered the apparent mischief of two SMSFs borrowing to each acquire a 50% interest in real estate where there was only one bare trust entity holding 100% of the legal title in relation to the asset jointly acquired by the SMSFs.
In ATO ID 2010/172 it was concluded:
The reason why the above conclusion has been included in this response, is that the clear inference from the ATO ID, is that had each SMSF had its own bare trust arrangement in place (as opposed to there being a “joint” bare trust arrangement for both SMSFs) having an LRBA in relation to a fractional interest in real estate can itself be a “single acquirable asset”.
Nevertheless, a point of difference between the scenario described in the ATO ID and the situation at hand, is that in the ATO ID, each of the two SMSFs was a tenant in common with the other SMSF.
Whereas, in the situation at hand the SMSF is not a tenant in common with another entity. Instead, it effectively has two interests in the real estate, its original unencumbered interest and the interest held under the bare trust as part of a limited recourse borrowing arrangement.
In the Compendium to SMSF2 2012/1, at Item 27, the following issue is raised:
[A link is provided]
Regrettably the ATO failed to address head on whether there are any single acquirable asset concerns where an SMSF acquires a 50% interest in real estate under an LRBA where it already holds the other 50% interest in the same real estate prior to the LRBA being entered into.
One approach to take here, is that so long as the bare trust arrangement is only in place for a 50% interest in the real estate, that the super fund has:
- Met the requirement of subsection 67A(1)(a) – having applied the borrowing to acquire an interest in a single acquirable asset;
- Met the requirement of subsection 67A(1)(b) – where the acquirable asset (the 50% interest in the real estate) is held on trust such that the super fund trustee has a beneficial interest in the real estate but not the legal title;
- Met the requirement of subsection 67A(1)(c) – where the trustee of the super fund has the ability to acquire the legal ownership of the 50% interest held through the bare trust arrangement once the loan has been paid out.
The ATO’s response to Item 27 as raised in SMSFR 2021/1EC expressly warns against the situation where the SMSF places a charge over an interest it already holds (for example, where 100% of real estate is subject to a charge, but the fund already owned 50% unencumbered prior to acquiring the remaining 50% through an LRBA).
Presumably the situation the ATO is contemplating in Item 27 (as disussed above) can be distinguished from this situation where the holding trust only has legal title to 50% and is only capable of dealing with 50% in the hypothetical event of default and the lender seeks to exercise its rights in relation to the single acquirable asset.
It would be interesting to hear from fund auditors that might take a contrary view.
Thanks once again for the question.