I completed a FY2020 audit of a SMSF which acquired 2 apartments during the year. That was back in De 2022.
I qualified the audit under 35C(2) for not providing the auditor with the signed purchase contracts for both properties though the settlement statements and the title searches were all in order.
There was a falling out between the trustee and the lawyers engaged in the transactions (2 different law firms). I am now attending to the FY2021 and FY2022 audit and no copies of contracts are forth coming. The prior year contravention has not been rectified though in my opinion it is capable of being rectified.
In this case, is it mandatory for me to repeat the contravention in the current audit or just let it slide.
What is my auditors compliance responsibility? Practically the settlement statements and title searches should be adequate evidence of ownership despite the trustees failure with record keeping.
Your comments please!
How material to your 2021 and 2022 audits are the signed contracts? You already have on file you qualified the audit in 2020 (when the were really relevant) and you have stated the title seraches etc are all in order. Did you do an ACR in 2020?