Hi All,
There is a Fund with two individual trustees, being the mother (the only member) and the son. The mother passed away on May 2022 and unfortunately the son passed away earlier on March 2022. As per review of the Will, the daughter is appointed to be the Executor of the Fund. The death benefit has not being paid as of today and the LPR is not acting as trustee of the Fund. There is no deed of appointment nor consent to act as trustee in place.
Per S. 17A of SISA, my understanding is that the Fund needs to appoint the executor as trustee of the Fund as it has exceeded the timeframe of 6 months and will need to appoint a second individual trustee or set up a corporate trustee. Please advise your thoughts on this?
Furthermore, in this case, will there be a breach of S.17A for 2022 year audit?
Could you please advice your thoughts? Thank you.
Hi Kylie
Yes section 17A of SIS would be breached if the LPR has not been appointed within 6 months of death of each trustee (section 17A(4)).
I would be questioning who is going to sign the 2021/22 accounts / ITR if both trustees have died and no LPR has been appointed to act as trustee or trustees of the Fund.