Can the SMSF trust deed, Constitution of the Corporate Trustee and all other permanent documents be electroincally signed in QLD?
Would like some clarity and confirmation.
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Hello Yuvraj
There were temporary measures to assist with the COVID-19 pandemic, that allowed for companies to sign documents electronically.
However, the Federal Parliament has since passed the Corporations Amendment (Meetings and Documents) Act 2022, which broadly speaking, provides an ongoing and permanent basis under which companies can electronically sign documents, including deeds and company constitutions. These changes apply to documents signed on or after 1 April 2022. These changes are relevant for SMSFs with a corporate trustee.
Whilst not the subject of your question, should an SMSF be established in Queensland have individual trustees (rather than a corporate trustee), changes contained in the Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2021 (Qld) which commenced on 30 April 2022, also ensure that deeds executed by individuals acting in their own capacity (rather than as directors of companies) can be signed electronically.