Have a two member fund, Member 1 (M1) and Member 2 (M2). The fund has a corporate trustee.
The Policy owner is M1 in their name only, the life insured is M2. The deduction from the member account for the value of the insurance policy comes from M1 (presumably attempted by the accountant because their member balance is bigger in an attempt to even out balances).
Queries are:
Confirming the policy needs to be held in the name of the trustee? And shouldnt the deduction from the member account come from M2 ? Or is their an argument from M1 point of view to state, as they are the ones benefiting from the insurance it should be deducted from their balance?
Hi Terrence
Life insurance owned by a SMSF should be in the name of the trustee(s) in trust for the Superannuation Fund.
If a SMSF is paying for non SMSF life insurance arguably there is a breach of the financial assistance & early release of benefit rules that are in SIS.
If the insurance is for M2 the deduction is required from their member account. My view is that there is no ability to allocate insurance expense re M2 to another member's account.
If other members have a view please let the forum know.