Hi all
I am auditing a fund that at June 30 2021 (established 2019) has the majority of its investment not just in listed shares, but in one specific company. Whilst this company pays excellent dividends it is in the mining sector and far from "blue chip."
Of $360,000 gross assets $320,000 is in this company, the rest is cash. Whilst this is a very dangerous way to invest member benefits (have drafted strongly worded management letter already) does it actually breach any requirements? Is it a qualification/contravention for a fund to do this?
This is a high litigation risk for me unless I make it very obvious how risky this strategy is, so suggestions in that regard also welcome.
I do not believe the trustees have changed investments for the 2022 year.
Thanks very much
An auditor of a SMSF is prohibited from giving advice on investments (unless they are also financial advisors.) In my view an auditor who follows the ATO line and advising a fund to diversify would be giving financial advice. No win situation.