Is a commerical loan from Super fund to a company which a member is a director allowed?
Would it be classified as an in house asset?
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Hi John
A Super Fund loan to a company would only be an in-house asset if the company was deemed to be a related party. If the loan was an in-house asset it (& any other IHA's) cannot be more than 5% of the Fund's assets.
The IHA rules are complicated & are found in section 71 of SIS. A related party includes a member of the fund and any Part 8 associate. Normally any company that is majority owned or controlled by the member and his associates / relatives would be a related party & the IHA rules would apply to any such loans.
If the member was the sole director of the company (or owned more than 50% of its shares) then the company would be a related party. If the member is 1 of several directors and he does not majority own / control the company then it may not be a related party. You would need to know the facts and then apply that to the SIS legislation to see if a loan to the company would be treated as an IHA.
The Part 8 associates definition can be found at:
If the company is not a related party you would need to also ensure no breach of section 65 if it could be argued there is an indirect financial advantage to a member. All loans would also need to be made on a commercial / arm's length basis as per section 109 of SIS.