I am auditing a smsf in accumulation mode (single member)
there is prior history of a significant advances made to the
memMBER . In the 2023 year. the balance now os is 33500 balance 2022
was $174820 . I have lodged CR in previous 2 years .
The Member has informed accountant and me , that the balance will be repaid in 2024
am I to lodge another CR for 2023?
Hi Mike
Based on the auditor contravention report guidelines yes it should be reported in 2022/23 if the breach has not been rectified at the time of the audit.
The ACR guidelines at Test 4: Trustee behavior test states that:
"You must report a contravention of a section or regulation listed in tables 1A and 1B where an identified contravention from a previous financial year has not been rectified at the time of the current audit.
Where the event contravenes a section or regulation only at the time it occurs (for example, a section 66 contravention), but it remains unrectified in the following years, it should continue to be reported. Even though the contravention does not actually occur in the following years, it should be reported under the section that was originally contravened."
Further as it is a loan to a member it is a breach of SIS as at 30 June 2023 (and during the year) re the in-house asset rules and the loan to member rules. As a result it is a breach that has occurred during the financial year that you are auditing and should be reported if the breach meets the criteria (such as being greater than $30,000).
The Auditors Institute