Fund has:
*real estate investment on the balance sheet -
*corporate trustees
*title search indicates the property is owned by the trustees in their individual capacity, not that of the corporate trustee.
The fund is selling the property the question is :
Do they need to actually transfer the titles to the SMSF prior to selling, or can they sell the property and just ensure the proceeds are deposited to the fund.
Hi T
My view is that the property could be sold without transferring the title from the individual names to that of the corporate trustee as long as the proceeds are deposited to the Fund's bank account. This is on the basis that the sale of the property will correct the asset not being in the correct name.
The Fund is arguably in breach is SIS regulation 4.09A that requires:
"The assets of the SMSF must be held separately from any assets held by the trustee
personally or by a standard employer sponsor or an associate of the standard employer sponsor."
If any members have a differing view / approach please let the forum know.