Dear Sir/Madam,
The date of Establishment of Trust Deed is after the date of register fund ABN about 2 months
I wondering whether what need mention when audit.
Many thanks
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Hi Phuong
My view would be to request an explanation from the Trustees as to why this occurred before you finalise your audit.
When a Trustees applies for an ABN they are required to have a trust deed in place and signed. The ABN application does ask questions about the Fund's governing rules which are found in the trust deed.
The date of establishment of the trust deed may be due to an accountant / trustee setting up the Fund and applying for the ABN but then the trust deed has been signed at a later date.
If there were no transactions / assets between the ABN date and the date the Fund's trust deed establishment date arguably there are no concerns (in terms of Fund transactions but no deed in place).