once my client wants to set up SMSF. He is a member South Australian (SA) health services employee aged 45 years . He is a member of SuperSA , a SA government managed super fund . He joined the fund in 2010 and a balance of 150 K
Can the person roll over the full balance from Super SA to his SMSF. Is there any restriction being a state government managed super fund.
Hi Antony
Yes you can normally roll over to a regulated / complying SMSF from any Fund.
Super SA look after a number of Funds so the rules may be different for each Fund.
The main issue that I am aware of that may stop them being able to do it would be if they were a member of a defined benefit fund in the Super SA Fund (& they do have such accounts).
The member should contact the Fund on 1300 369 315 & discuss it with them as to what their options are.
Rollover requests now need to go through the SuperStream rollover process.