A client was enquiring as to wanting to sell his suspended AVZ shares from himself personally to his SMSFand can this be done?
My thoughts were yes in a legal sense but good luck determing a fair market price, so it may be impossible to comply with Section 109 in this scenario where a share is suspended. Simply using the last traded price seems a bit sketchy, what do you think?
His belief is the company may pay a return upon selling their mining license off however I also saw this week AVZ is now classed as delisted from the ASX or soon to be.
My view is that if a share is delisted it cannot be acquired from a related party.
Under section 66 of SIS can only acquire listed shares from a related party.
Listed security defined as:
"means a security listed for quotation in the official list of any of the following:
(a) a licensed market within the meaning of the Corporations Act 2001 ; or
(b) an approved stock exchange within the meaning of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 ; or
(c) a market exempted under section 791C of the Corporations Act 2001 ."
The Auditors Institute