All investments in the SMSF are a residential property (market value around 580k) and cash in bank only. However, the fund occurred the following expenses:
All invoices are in the SMSF's name.
Are those tax deductible expenses or non-deductible expenses or capital nature? If in capital cost, and they did not associate with any investments of the SMSF, how to account it?
Any compliance issues? For example, sole purpose test, non-arm's expenditure, provide financial assistance to member?
How this should be handled?
Hi Linda
There are normally no compliance issues with such subscription and seminar expenses as long as they can be explained as of being of benefit to the Fund and comply with the sole purpose test.
From a tax deduction perspective if the expense relates to earning assessable income then you can claim a deduction for the expense.
There would be no deduction if it is of a capital nature such as incurring the expense before any income has been earned.
Using the property program if the Fund already owns a property and is earning income from it it can claim a deduction normally on money spent to further educate the trustees re improving income return. You would want the seminar to cover topics such as increasing rental return and similar type topics to be able to claim a deduction.
An article that addresses the issue can be found at:
The Auditors Institute