A SMSF member born in 1960, in accumulation mode, had a member balance of $1,971,000 on 30.06.2022.
There are no other super balance elsewhere.
Are there any TBAR reporting requirements given that he is not in pension mode?
Are there any restrictions for future contributions given his total super balance?
Please advise!
Hi Stephen
Thanks, normally there is no TBAR reporting required if a member is in accumulation mode.
TBAR reporting is required when a retirement phase income stream commences.
The members balance is reported to the ATO annually via the Fund's annual return (re a SMSF balance).
ATO provides guidance re TBAR reporting at:
Yes if a member has a total superannuation balance greater than $1,700,000 at 30/6/2022 then any non-concessional contributions made post 1 July 2022 would be treated as excess non-concessional contributions. (The $1,700,000 total superannuation balance amount increases from $1,700,000 to $1,900,000 on 1 July 2023).
The ATO has guidance re the non-concessional contributions cap rules at: