Can SMSF invest in Time share?
One of my clients have invested $4000 (1.3% of the total asset) and provided with an Investment strategy stating "Direct investment in property incliding Time share"
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Hi Shalendra
On the basis of materiality you arguably would have no issue with the investment. If the trustees simply see it as a good investment and are going to get no personal benefit from it there should be no issue from a SIS viewpoint.
If the timeshare was acquired so the members could take a holiday once a year you may have a breach of the sole purpose test (section 62 of SIS). The timeshare could be rented to a member of the Fund as it is less than 5% of the assets of the Fund and would not breach the in-house asset limit of 5% of assets. You would need to determine that the investment is a proper investment and not just to allow the members to get a present day benefit.
The timeshare may be considered to be a personal use asset and if so would be caught by the collectable / personal use asset rules. Personal use assets cannot be leased to or used by a related party.
If any other member has a view on this question please let the forum know.
The Auditors Institute