Dear Moderator, I have been asked to do the audit of a fund which owns a property jointly with Members however, when doing a Land Title Search, the title shows “ A Smith, B Smith and Corporate Trustee as Joint Tenants”. This does not show the percentage ownership however I have sighted the original “Contract for sale and purchase of land 2018 edition” which clearly shows “ABC Pty Ltd as trustee for the A & B Smith Super Fund (as to 25% share) and A Smith and B Smith (as to 75% share)”. The intention of how the purchase was to be done is very evident from the Contract but it looks like the purchases solicitor registered the property incorrectly. Can I rely on the Contract and best case seek a Statutory Declaration from Trustee and members confirming ownership or should I insist on the title being amended which could cost Fund and Members additional legal fees?
Your advice is appreciated.
PS: the names Smith and ABC P/L are fictitious.
Thank you so much for the reply. Much appreciated.
Hi Cherry
My view is that the auditor can rely on the original contract and the statutory declaration as you refer to.
I would also raise the issue in your management letter and recommend that they have the issue reviewed by a lawyer with experience in that state as to what would be involved to correct the error. If the solicitor incorrectly registered the property they should also be approached to rectify the error.
If other members have a view as to how they would approach the issue please let the forum know.