When auditing a fund with a WRAP service investment, we are required to obtain the relevant auditor’s report issued in accordance with ASAE 3402, in relation to that WRAP account service.
ASAE 3402 states that the audit report must be carried out under ASA 3000. The audit report I have obtained states it was in accordance with ASA 3150 and "other" standards.
Here is the link to the audit report. https://www.mlc.com.au/content/dam/mlc/documents/pdf/investments/2nal-internal-controls.pdf
Question 1: Is this the correct type of audit report that can serve as appropriate evidence when we coduct the audit, or is this audit report not what we require?
Question 2: Also GS 009 recommends the following evidence be obtained for WRAP accounts:
If all of these items are provided, is that sufficient to issue an unqualifed audit report?
The reason I ask is that it, in theory we could have all of the above evidence and yet the evidence could be fabriacted. A "financial advisor" could easily create fake WRAP reports claiming to be from a reputable firm. There isn't the same level of verification such as a registry search. How would we, as auditors, know the difference?
Hi Jason
Re question 1 yes that is the audit report in relation to internal controls so is the audit report that you require. I note the audit report is in relation to the period ended 30 September 2020 so this needs to be considered.
I agree it would be easy for fake wrap reports to be prepared by an advisor or by a trustee.
In respect of the audit evidence required in question 2 given the Melissa Caddick case the wrap reports should come direct from the wrap provider to the auditor to be the best form of audit evidence.
The Auditors Institute